
Restore the body and health!

In fron of serious diseases, such  as Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity, one of the most important things is to detect it as soon as possible to ensure early treatment and better prognosis.

Enriched by decades of clinical experience, the Center “ Pediatria Domani” offers advice in Pediatrics, Child Neuropsychiatry, Psychology and Forensic Pediatrics.

At “ Pediatria Domani” Medical Center, we customize the treatment for each patient.


Meet our Doctors

Our clinic is made up of many experienced and qualified consultants, who have been working with each other for many years. This list shows 2 older specialists and 1 young psychologist

Dr. Leandro Mallamaci

Dr. Leandro Mallamaci


Leandro  is the head of our Clinic . He practices at our clinic since its initial founding days 30 years ago Biography and Professional Life
Dr. Maria Francesca Aiello

Dr. Maria Francesca Aiello

Child neuropsychiatrist

Dr. Maria Francesca Aiello was born in Genoa in 1983. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Child Neuropsychiatry at the University of
Dr Elisa Boccardo

Dr Elisa Boccardo

Child Development Specialist

Biography and Professional Life Elisa Boccardo was born in the countryside of Novi Ligure, in the province of Alexandria, on 17/11/1987. She has Always been

Pricing plans

Each clinical case is different from another, but our plans also vary! Here is the list of the most popular services that our studio offers:

  • First pediatric visit 120$
  • Pediatric ceck-up   100 $
  • Visit Newborn 100 $
  • Medical Certificates 50 $
  • Pharyngeal swab 40 $
  • Vaccination 50 $
  • Same-Day Sick Appointments 120 $
  • Diet 100 $
  • • Quick mononucleosis test 50 €
    • Quick Influence Test 50 €
    • Test rapidi SARS COV 2 50 €
    • Multistix urine 20 €
    • Chronic Disease Management 135 €
    • Curettage mollusc cont. from 50 €
    • Removal of waxwax cap from 50 €
    • Opioid And Cocaine Drugs Screening 70€
    • Screening droga Marijuana 70 €